2018 Chinese New Year Celebration 二零一八狗年春晚


二零一八狗年春晚將于二 月十七日晚七時在Fred Kavli Theatre 正式上演。 康谷中華文化協會誠懇地邀請您參加我們一年一度的農曆新年慶祝活動。

目前,各個節目組都忙得熱火朝天。 大家都在努力並期盼著轟轟烈烈地向社區推出又一台春晚。

我們將于一月六號上午十點開始, 每週六在中文學校售票, 票價有 $39, $34, $29, $24 四種, 華協特別提供$9的會員優惠,但會員優惠只在中文學校提供。請把這個好消息傳給大家。 購票也可以在Civic Arts Plaza Box Office 或Ticket Master : HTTP://www.ticketmaster.com/。

春晚的意義不僅是讓我們和我們的孩子感受到節日氣氛, 也是我們向主流社會發出的共襄盛舉的邀請。 是我們藉以弘揚中國文化的平臺。 讓我們一起迎接和慶祝二零一八狗年新春吧!


Dear All:

The Conejo Chinese Cultural Association invites you to this festive show and to celebrate the Year of the Dog with us. The 2018 Chinese New Year Performance will be hosted at the Fred Kavli Theater at 7PM on February 17th 2018. Our community is working tirelessly to put together another spectacular show to make the night memorable.

Tickets are available for sale on January 6th, at the Chinese School, and will continue for the next five Saturdays. Tickets may also be purchased at the Civic Arts Plaza Box Office in person or on Ticket Master at http://www.ticketmaster. com/ . The ticket pricings will be $39, $34, $29, $24. All CCCA members are entitled to a $9 discount only when purchased at Chinese School. Please spread the news about this great event to all.

The show is to unite us as a community, to share the joy of the Chinese New Year with our children, and to expose the Chinese Culture to the public. Let us all celebrate the 2018 Chinese New Year, Year of the Dog, together!!!