2016 新春晚會 2/6/2016 New Year Celebration


时 间:tickets sold every Saturday between January 9th and February 6th, 2015
地 点:Chinese School at Thousand Oaks High School
活动内容:康谷華人文化協會猴年新春晚會正在緊鑼密鼓地排練當中, 將于二月六日晚七時正式與大家見面! 華協誠懇地邀請您加入我們康谷華人大家庭一年一度的農曆新年慶祝活動。 請大家于一月九日至二月六日的週六在中文學校購票, 票價有$35, $30, $25, $20 四種, 協會特別提供五元的會員優惠。 讓我們一起迎接和慶祝二零一六猴年新春吧! The Year of Monkey is approaching quickly and all the preparation work and rehearsals are already underway. This annual celebration event is set to kick off on February 6th at 7:00PM. You are cordially invited to join the CCCA family in celebrating the Year of Monkey. Tickets are on sale at special discount rates for Chinese School family and staff between January 9th and February 6th. CNYP Executive Committee.